About the WVAFRN

The WVAFRN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation originally formed as the WV Family Resource Network Association in 1997 and re-branded in 2013 as the WV Alliance of Family Resource Networks. The WVAFRN is responsive to the needs of FRNs by encouraging communication and collaboration, discussing local, state and regional issues and establishing a collective voice. By maintaining a close relationship with community members, leaders, agencies and organizations, the WVAFRN provides a connection to matters of current interest and importance and establishes a common dialogue with local FRNs throughout the state.

Purpose:  To provide a coordinated, centralized organization which supports the staff and Board of Directors of local, recognized Family Resource Networks (FRNs) in accomplishing their missions. The WVAFRN promotes communication and collaboration among FRNs, addressing training, information, and resource coordination needs of FRNs throughout the state.

Mission:  The WVAFRN is a coordinated, centralized organization that supports the staff and Board of Directors of FRNs in accomplishing their community and state missions


What Does the WVAFRN Do?

  • Unify FRNs to bring our collective efforts to the forefront to educate local, regional and state leaders about the importance of maintaining a strong FRN in each county.
  • Provide a peer to peer network of support and technical assistance to new and existing FRNs.
  • Serve as a central point of contact that can quickly mobilize FRNs in the event of possible funding opportunities and/or funding challenges that can and will arise in the future.

Click to view/download WVFRN Infographic

This website made possible through the generous support received from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation.

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